Hildebrandt, M.K., Noack, J., Wuellhorst, R. et al. Impulsivity mediates the association between narcissism and substance-related problems beyond the degree of substance use: a longitudinal observational study. BMC Psychiatry 24, 280 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-024-05718-y
2024 Apr 15
Narcissism has been implied as a putative risk factor for substance use disorders (SUDs). However, previous research did not disentangle the degree of substance use from substance-related problems, the symptoms of SUDs. This preregistered study addressed the open question whether grandiose and vulnerable narcissism and their constituent traits convey specific SUD risk, that is, explain substance-related problems beyond the degree of use. Furthermore, we tested whether impulsivity or substance use motives linked to narcissistic self-regulation mediate this association.
Narcissism, impulsivity, substance use motives, past-year substance use, and substance-related problems were assessed in 139 (poly-)substance users, 121 of whom completed a one-year follow-up. For significant longitudinal associations between narcissism factors and substance-related problems controlled for the degree of use, we tested impulsivity and substance use motives as mediators.
Grandiose narcissism (r =.24, p =.007) and its constituent factors antagonistic (r =.27, p =.003) and agentic narcissism (r =.18, p =.050), but not vulnerable narcissism, prospectively predicted substance-related problems beyond the degree of substance use. Associations of grandiose narcissism and antagonistic narcissism with substance-related problems were fully mediated by impulsivity, but not substance use motives. Impulsivity explained roughly one third of the association of both grandiose (P̂M = 0.30) and antagonistic narcissism (P̂M = 0.26) with substance-related problems.
We demonstrate that grandiose narcissism– particularly antagonistic but also agentic narcissism– is specifically linked to substance-related problems beyond the degree of substance use. The mediating effect of impulsivity but not substance use motives suggests that impulsivity may be a more important mechanism than narcissistic self-regulation in promoting SUD in narcissism. However, future studies may use more targeted measures than substance use motives to further probe the role of self-regulation. Similar result patterns for alcohol compared to all substances together indicate that mechanisms may be alike across substances. In conclusion, narcissistic individuals may not use substances more but have a higher SUD risk, informing prevention and treatment.
Peer Review reports
Narcissism is characterized by a fragile sense of self and instable self-esteem [1, 2]. It has long been posited that individuals with narcissistic traits use psychoactive substances for self-regulatory purposes, suggesting this as a potential mechanism underlying the link between narcissism and substance use (cf. Jauk & Dieterich, 2019). Systematic research linked narcissism to substance use as well as to substance use disorders (SUDs; [3]; e.g. [4, 5]). However, much of this research (1) only focuses on selective substances (e.g., alcohol), (2) does not differentiate between substance use as compared to substance-related problems (the symptoms of SUDs), (3) is cross-sectional, and (4) does not speak to the putative mechanisms mediating the link of narcissism to SUDs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the longitudinal association of narcissistic traits and substance use as well as substance-related problems across different substances. Furthermore, we aimed to examine the mechanisms that underlie these associations by comparing impulsivity and substance use motives linked to narcissistic self-regulation as potential mediators.
Dimensions of narcissism
The two-factor model: grandiose and vulnerable narcissism
Contemporary models differentiate grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Both are characterized by self-importance and entitlement as core characteristics [6]. Beyond that common core, grandiose narcissism describes self-assured and dominant behavior [6] and vulnerable narcissism describes self-consciousness and withdrawal [7]. In the general population, grandiose and vulnerable narcissism are largely unrelated [6]. With increasing levels of grandiosity, however, grandiosity and vulnerability become more intertwined [8], consistent with pathological narcissism defined in terms of concurrent grandiosity and vulnerability [9]. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), as operationalized in the DSM, in contrast, is defined along extreme grandiosity [10], which can or cannot be accompanied by vulnerability [3].
The three-factor model: agentic, antagonistic and neurotic narcissism
While distinguishing grandiose and vulnerable narcissism has explained some paradoxical effects which have been associated with narcissism as a unitary construct, these broad factors still conflate aspects which might be related to different self-regulatory dynamics [11]. More fine-grained conceptualizations differentiate agentic, antagonistic, and neurotic narcissism [12, 13]. These reflect narcissistic variants of common Five-Factor Model (FFM) dimensions (e.g. [14]). In this model, grandiose narcissism can be described as a combination of antagonism (lower end of the agreeableness dimension, characterized by self-importance and entitlement) and agentic extraversion, while vulnerable narcissism can be described as a combination of antagonism and neuroticism, highlighting antagonism as the common core feature (see Fig. 1A). The FFM-based three-factor model of narcissism is an important extension as it often explains associations with external variables and their underlying self-regulatory mechanisms better [11].
Narcissism and substance use
For associations between narcissism and substance use, studies either examined the presence of substance use (yes/no) or the degree of substance use (quantify/frequency of use). Grandiose narcissism was linked to a higher presence [15, 16] and degree of substance use (for a review see 4; [17,18,19,20,21,22]) This is contrasted by one study reporting that grandiose narcissism was associated with decreased smoking [23]. Comparable evidence for vulnerable narcissism is sparse and does not directly support an association with the degree of substance use [18, 22]. However, indirect evidence from studies on the foundational FFM traits in part supports a role of vulnerable narcissism in substance use. For the presence of substance use, a link to a combination of antagonism (low agreeableness) and neuroticism, the constituent traits of vulnerable narcissism, was reported [24, 25]. For the degree of substance use, there is contradictory evidence for [26] and against [25] an association with neuroticism, the FFM trait specific to vulnerable narcissism. Finally, studies assessing pathological narcissism in terms of concurrent grandiosity and vulnerability [9] also point to associations with the degree of substance use [27], although with very small effect sizes [22]. In sum, the evidence points towards an association of grandiose narcissism as well as, with weaker evidence, vulnerable narcissism with substance use. However, no study has examined associations of substance use with narcissism-specific measures of the three-factor model and some associations have only been reported with regard to alcohol use (e.g. of vulnerable traits with the degree of substance use [25, 26]), calling for a more fine-grained and comprehensive approach.
Disentangling the degree of substance use and substance-related problems
SUDs are characterized by substance-related problems such as the inability to reduce or stop using the substance, or the failure to comply with social duties due to substance use. These substance-related problems are reflected in the symptoms of SUDs (DSM-5 A-criterion; [3]). Critically, only a fraction of frequent substance users develop substantial substance-related problems and thus SUDs (for instance, 22% for alcohol, 31% for cannabis, or 29% for cocaine; [28]). Thus, a high degree of substance use alone is neither sufficient nor necessary for an SUD diagnosis, rather, substance-related problems are crucial and distinguish substance-users with and without SUDs. In order to identify which factors are specific to this mental disorder, research should examine why only some substance users develop SUDs. This can be achieved by either comparing between substance users with and without SUD or, in a dimensional approach, computing associations with substance-related problems controlled for the degree of substance use [29, 30]. In contrast, past research has often relied on comparisons between SUD and healthy control groups. As these groups differ both in the degree of substance use and in substance-related problems, reported group differences may be attributable to differences in the degree of substance use rather than to a specific link to substance-related problems. The same holds for associations with substance-related problems when the degree of substance use is not (statistically) controlled for. Hildebrandt and colleagues recently showed that this was the case for sensation seeking, an often examined putative SUD risk factor [31]. The frequently reported association of sensation seeking with substance-related problems was explained by an underlying association with the degree of substance use. This demonstrates the necessity to disentangle associations with the degree of substance use and substance-related problems in SUD research.
Narcissism and substance-related problems
Studies investigating the associations of narcissism and substance-related problems rarely disentangled the degree of substance use and substance-related problems and typically report categorical analyses based on SUD groups. For grandiose narcissism, the majority of the evidence relies on cross-sectional comorbidities between NPD and SUD [5, 15, 32, 33]. Furthermore, NPD longitudinally predicted the transition from being a non-user to being a “problematic user” (binary coding, minimum one substance-related problem; [34]), and an increased probability of having an SUD diagnosis [35]. In line with these categorical results, two dimensional studies report associations of grandiose narcissism with substance-related problems [10, 36]. However, none of these studies controlled for the degree of substance use as a potential confounder. In a study providing preliminary evidence on the specific link to substance-related problems, some aspects of grandiose narcissism were directly related to alcohol-related problems (entitlement rage) while others were only indirectly related (devaluing), mediated by an increased likelihood to engage in heavy episodic drinking (i.e. a high degree of substance use; [37]). This calls for examining the specific effect of three-factor model narcissistic traits on substance-related problems, ideally extending this preliminary evidence beyond alcohol use.
In other work, vulnerable (but not grandiose; [18, 37]) narcissism predicted substance-related problems [10] and relapse (indicating persisting substance-related problems), while grandiose narcissism was even a protective factor [38]. Furthermore, individuals with SUDs were characterized by vulnerable, but not grandiose narcissism (compared to healthy controls; [39]), and vulnerable narcissism was more strongly related to lifetime SUD than grandiose narcissism [40]. This is contrasted by reports of both higher grandiose and vulnerable narcissism in SUD [41] and a link between substance-related problems and pathological narcissism [42], characterized by co-occurring grandiose and vulnerable narcissism [9].
Almost all of the studies reported above rely on analyses that did not control for the degree of substance use, such that the reported associations with substance-related problems may be attributable to underlying associations with the degree of substance use. Only one study reports an analysis that controlled for the degree of substance use, namely an association of NPD (characterized by extreme grandiose narcissism, but clinically often accompanied by vulnerable narcissism) with nicotine dependence among current smokers [43]. This supports the notion that not only vulnerable but also grandiose narcissism may have an incremental relevance for substance-related problems that is not entirely explained by an underlying association of narcissism with the degree of substance use. However, these conflicting results highlight the necessity to move beyond the two-factor model and to control for the degree of substance use in the analyses to resolve these inconsistencies in the literature.
Factors mediating the association between narcissism and substance use as well as substance-related problems
Impulsivity is an umbrella term subsuming several interrelated traits [44] describing different aspects of the propensity to act quickly while disregarding long-term negative consequences [45]. Critically, impulsivity is related both to a high degree of substance use and to substance-related problems [45, 46]. We recently showed that urgency, an impulsivity-related trait describing the tendency to act rashly when experiencing (negative) emotions, explained incremental variance in substance-related problems when controlling for the degree of substance use [31]. Hence, impulsivity may contribute to a high degree of substance use, and, independently, to substance-related problems. In line with the special role of urgency for SUDs, it has been concluded that urgency may be a prime transdiagnostic endophenotype of mental health risk [47]. Consequently, we focused on urgency as our indicator of trait impulsivity in this study.
Impulsivity is discussed as a candidate mediator [48] because impulsivity is linked to narcissism (e.g. [49, 50]) and substance use as well as substance-related problems [31, 46]. Furthermore, antagonism, the core component of both grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, has been reported to mediate the association between impulsivity and substance-related problems [51]. However, the authors suggest that impulsivity may drive substance-related problems in narcissism through an antagonistic interpersonal style, implying that other factors than impulsivity alone may play a role.
Self-regulatory functions
A recent review proposed that other mechanisms than impulsivity may be more relevant for explaining associations between narcissism and substance use as well as substance-related problems [52]. Specifically, self-regulatory functions, for example affect regulation in self-relevant situations (contributing to the abovementioned interpersonal style), might be potential mechanisms of substance use in narcissism [17, 36, 52]. The three-factor model of narcissism (e.g. [12]), provides a framework for understanding affect regulation in narcissism. The central goal of agentic-narcissistic self-regulation is to maintain a grandiose self by means of self-enhancing strategies, whereas the central goal of antagonistic-narcissistic regulation is self-protection, for instance by means of aggressive behavior [53]. Neurotic narcissism, in contrast, is perceived as an exit strategy when the individual fails to maintain a grandiose self, and instead employs a “self-devaluation as self-protection” – strategy [53].
Narcissistic individuals may use substances as a self-regulation strategy serving these different goals. This should be reflected in different substance use motives or expectancies mediating the associations between different narcissistic traits and substance use as well as substance-related problems. A grandiose self-enhancement strategy should be reflected in motives of self-enhancement, such as increasing confidence through substance use. In contrast, a vulnerable “self-devaluation as self-protection” strategy may be reflected in coping motives, such as coping with resulting negative affect. Supporting these differential predictions regarding substance use motives for grandiose narcissism, a study showed that self-enhancement motives (to increase confidence), but not coping motives (to reduce tension) mediated the relationship of dark triad traits (including grandiose narcissism) with substance use [54]. Shame moderated the relationship between vulnerable narcissism and substance-related problems [36], indicating that coping with negative affect may play a role, and indirectly supporting our prediction regarding vulnerable narcissism. Further indirect evidence stems from research on the FFM traits underlying the three-factor model of narcissism. Extraversion (related to agentic narcissism) was linked to drinking to enhance, whereas neuroticism (related to neurotic narcissism) was linked to coping motives to drink ([55], for a review see [56]). Consequently, we expected that different substance use motives would play a role in the associations between grandiose vs. vulnerable narcissism with substance-related variables, and that substance use motives would explain these associations better than trait impulsivity. Our study is the first to test these two competing hypotheses, namely the impulsivity hypothesis versus the self-regulation hypothesis against each other. By using a more fine-grained model of narcissism, controlling for the degree of substance use to isolate specific effects on substance-related problems and providing longitudinal data, this study substantially adds to the preliminary and purely cross-sectional evidence in this field.
Confirmatory hypotheses (preregistered)
These hypotheses were preregistered in the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/r2cmp; 23rd of December 2021). We expected that grandiose as well as vulnerable narcissism would be associated with the degree of substance use as well as with substance-related problems. For grandiose narcissism, we expected that these associations would be mediated by impulsivity and enhancement motives, with enhancement motives being the stronger mediator. For vulnerable narcissism, we expected that these associations would be mediated by impulsivity and coping motives, with coping motives being the stronger mediator. Although an indirect (i.e. mediation) effect may be present in the absence of a total effect (i.e. association the mediation is tested upon; [57]), to avoid false positives facilitated by a large number of tests, we planned to conduct the respective mediation analyses only if the underlying association was significant. We based the mediation analyses on one-year follow up data on substance-related variables in order to highlight the temporal stability of the effects. Given the sparse literature, we had no differential hypotheses between substances, such that we tested all hypotheses separately for a total measure of all substances as well as the substances alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, and stimulants.
Exploratory hypotheses
In addition to the preregistered hypotheses, we also investigated whether dimensions of narcissism explained incremental variance in substance-related problems beyond the degree of substance use. Furthermore, to illuminate which constituent dimensions were driving the effects in grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, we explored the associations of dimensions of narcissism and substance use outcomes within the three-factor model (i.e., we sought to clarify whether effects for grandiose narcissism are more due to agentic or antagonistic aspects, and effects of vulnerable narcissism are more due to antagonistic or neurotic aspects).
We recruited participants mainly from the general population through advertisements and flyers in clubs, bars, and counselling centers, and through postings on websites associated with the electronic music scene, al as well as from a precursory study [31]. The data used in the present study represent a subsection of a larger project which is available at https://osf.io/cwnrg/.
Inclusion criteria were (1) current use of at least one substance once per month (2), age between 18 and 35 years (3), native German speakers or learned before the age of 10 years (4), right-handed (5), first substance use at least one year ago (6), no report of withdrawal symptoms in periods when participants used substances to a similar degree as in the past three months (7), no reported use of any substance (except for nicotine) for at least the five-fold of the respective plasma half-life prior to testing [58], (8) current and previous neurological and psychological health status according to MRI guidelines from the university’s neuroimaging center, and (9) physical demands like ability to move the fingers, normal or corrected-to-normal vision, no cardiovascular disease, no pregnancy, no nursing infants nor implants contraindicated in MRI.
The present study reports results based on those participants from the larger project who provided complete data on all necessary variables. Out of the 142 participants who came to the laboratory, two did not complete the assessment and one was excluded for a current medical condition that may have affected the data, yielding a final sample of N = 139 participants (T1), 122 of whom completed a one-year follow-up assessment including repeated measures of substance use and substance-related problems (T2). We conducted post-hoc power calculations based on effect size estimates stemming from the only study reporting mediation analyses resembling our preregistered hypotheses, focusing on the weaker of both eligible mediation effects to yield conservative estimates (tension reduction, an indicator of coping motives, as a mediator; [54]). A power analysis based on the Sobel test determining significance of a mediation effect [59] given a power of 0.8 and a two-tailed 𝛼 of 0.05 indicated that a sample of 119 participants would be needed. Furthermore, the bias-corrected bootstrapping approach we applied in this study requires slightly smaller sample sizes than the Sobel test to uncover a true mediation effect [60]. Hence, our sample size should be sufficient for the models including all participants.
Table 1 presents sociodemographic characteristics of the sample. Participants predominantly self-identified as white (see supplemental Table S1) and received 50€ at T1 and 20€ at T2 or course credit (n = 2). The study followed the guidelines stated by the Declaration of Helsinki [61].
Taken together, the association of grandiose narcissism with substance-related problems may be mediated by impulsivity and similar patterns of associations based on total substance-related problems and alcohol-related problems suggest that this may be similar across substances.
Exploratory mediation analyses based on the three-factor model
On an exploratory basis, we further examined which variables mediated the associations of antagonistic and agentic narcissism, the constituent factors of grandiose narcissism, with substance-related problems beyond the degree of substance use. This study is based on the assumption that enhancement motives may result from a grandiose self-regulation strategy and coping motives may result from a vulnerable self-regulation strategy. Consequently, we tested both motives as mediators in the models including antagonistic narcicssism (as the common core of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism), and only enhancement motives as a mediator in models including agentic narcissism (as the uniquely grandiose factor).
Mediators of the association between antagonistic narcissism and substance-related problems. The regression of substance-related problems on antagonistic narcissism, controlling for the degree of substance use, was significant (βc = 0.20, p =.007). Antagonistic narcissism significantly predicted impulsivity (βa1 = 0.32, p =.000), and impulsivity subsequently predicted substance-related problems (βb1 = 0.16, p =.039). In contrast, antagonistic narcissism did not significantly predict enhancement or coping motives and neither enhancement nor coping motives did subsequently predict substance-related problems (p >.05). Consistently, the indirect effect through impulsivity was significant (βa1b1 = 0.05, 95% CI [0.003, 0.124]) while the effect of antagonistic narcissism on substance-related problems was no longer significant, indicating a complete mediation (see Fig. 4). Approximately one fourth of the total effect was explained by the indirect effect (P̂M = 0.26; [71]).
Data availability
The preregistration, code and dataset generated and/or analysed during the current study are available in the Open Science Framework repository, [https://osf.io/xrqbv/].
- D-ISU:
Dresden Inventory of Substance Use
Five Factor Narcissism Inventory– Brief Form
- FFM:
Five Factor Model (of personality)
- HiTOP:
Hierarchical Taxonomy Of Psychopathology
- SCID-5 CV:
Structured Clinical Interview for Psychological Disorders 5 Clinician Version
- SUD:
Substance Use Disorder
Substance Use Motives Measure
Urgency Perseverence Premeditation Sensation Seeking– Positive Urgency Impulsive Behavior Scale
We want to thank Nele Sauer, Phillip Kleine, Clarissa Grundmann, Josepha Noack, Vanessa Ziess, and Sophie Scharff for research assistance.
This study was supported by the Else-Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung (grant no. 2020_EKEA.70) and the collaborative research center (TRR 265, B01, [78]). This research was funded in whole, or in part, by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) P 4344. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission. Funding organizations had no role in the preparation of the manuscript or the decision for publication.
Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
Author information
Authors and Affiliations
Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Chair of Addiction Research, Faculty of Psychology, Technische Universität Dresden, Chemnitzer Str. 46a, 01187, Dresden, Germany
Malin K. Hildebrandt, Josepha Noack, Raoul Wuellhorst & Tanja Endrass
Department of Medical Psychology, Psychosomatics, and Psychotherapy, Medical University of Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 3, 8036, Graz, Austria
Emanuel Jauk
Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Chair of Clinical Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology, Technische Universität Dresden, Chemnitzer Str. 46a, 01187, Dresden, Germany
Emanuel Jauk
MKH contributed to the conception and design of the work, the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the data and substantially revised the manuscript. Josepha Noack contributed to the analysis and interpretation of the data and drafted the manuscript. RW and TE contributed to the conception and design of the work, the interpretation of the data and revised the manuscript. EJ contributed to the conception of the work, the interpretation of the data, and substantially revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Corresponding author
Correspondence to Malin K. Hildebrandt.
Ethics declarations
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Participants provided written informed consent. The institutional review board of TUD Dresden University of Technology (registered with the office for human research protections under IORG0001076) approved the study protocol (EK 146042019).
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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